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Looking after ourselves

Re: Living with Ourselves

And you matter to us @Sophia1 . I am sorry you have had to cancel appointments today, I do understand why. Sometimes we just need space to cry and ease our way through our pain as best we can. Go gently if you can. πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’œβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ

Re: Living with Ourselves



Re: Living with Ourselves

sending you tender hugs @Sophia1 

you are very important to me

take it easy this afternoon , be kind to yourself my friend

there will be plenty of other times to go xxx

mr shaz is the same , and we just cancel the outing xx

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1  Hey Sophia1 sending you caring and kindness. Wish I was there to help you  in a practical way rather than just words on a screen. Take care of yourself. Love peaxxx

Re: Living with Ourselves

you matter to us here too @Sophia1 we want to be here for you so please do talk about the things bothering you.
I do know that bleh feeling and just not wanting to be near anyone or see anyone. just want to hide away in a bubble hey.

Re: Living with Ourselves

Thank you @Shaz51 @Maggie @greenpea @Adge @outlander 

and so many others who have supported me in the past...many have moved on..


I really am struggling at the moment..

have not felt this bad in a long long time..

I should be over the moon with our new home finally being built..

I should be so content that husband's family appear to have finally accepted me...only because I have made the effort yet again...I do this for my husband

I should be happy sister finally showing more interest in me...even though mother not wanting me to visit...I might be contagious..

I should be happy one son is successful and building new so very very happy for him and he is moving closer to me...


so why?

other family member ....

losing communication again..not missing physically... missing in communication...conversation...

I feel that i have lost him yet again...person will not be here for long...

I now do not feel safe...aggressive tone triggering my past experiences ..person knows that I will always love them no matter deteriorated.,..

will be moving on soon ..

painful that cannot be together..

dreading what is to come..

member not having any professional help at all...

trusts only myself and father...

what is the matter with this world?

I feel overwhelmed with

so what am I doing to those who are believing and loving me and wanting to be with me in this world..those who are living their own battles and still here...not blaming me...?

I am wallowing in this insipid depression that totally encompasses me and I feel nothing...

How can illness separate...?

I have worn a mask for the majority of my life..

I still do with the majority of people in my life...

in fact it is only my husband, two sons, sister and one friend who know..

it is very exhausting...draining...keeping up a facade..

hence I started isolating....have been doing again...

so I have to work at confronting my isolating...this is feathering the nest for my depression..


thank you for reading if you have got this far....

thank you for supporting..

I do not expect anyone to understand I am far too deep apparently..

I truly do respect and appreciate each and everyone's support on here..

thank you


Re: Living with Ourselves


please do not feel that you need reply..

I just hope that I have not upset anyone further or exacerbated their own feelings..

Re: Living with Ourselves

Hearing you @Sophia1 and sending love and gentle hugs with a hand to hold if that will help πŸ’•

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1  Love peaxxxImage result for cows


Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1  I do understand so much of what you have expressed, along with all that is not expressed. I know the masks, exhaustion, isolation and much more. I have thought in the past that change in physical circumstances would also change my mood, but no, mental illness is a very hard and long road.

I am sorry one family member is unwell and withdrawing into a world of their own, strangely I can understand it in part, good help is hard to find as well as trust. Heartbreaking for you, I hear your pain.

Its always good to hear from you, when you can, no matter how you are.

I appreciate your support. πŸ’•πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’œ

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