04-09-2024 05:34 PM
04-09-2024 05:34 PM
Yes I am sure other animals will use it @Jynx 😊
Yep in far north Queensland
04-09-2024 07:00 PM
04-09-2024 07:00 PM
There's a little elevator on the right hand side with the call button installed right at beak height. It's very clever and was a large chunk of the $40 million. 😁
04-09-2024 08:48 PM
04-09-2024 08:48 PM
Drat, I forgot to order some mushrooms in my weekly shopping. Improving my diet!
The only other fungi I have growing is what's on rouge pieces of dog poo that some how didn't find the scoop... not for forum use.
I wonder what I can grow on something? Tomatoes. They grow fungi well. Drat I just threw out some moldy veg.
Really struggling with the car. You'd think being in the city it would be easy - nope. Plus but I don't drive and use my phone. It feels like I'm going to have sit on a main road one day for hours, just for a photo.
05-09-2024 05:41 PM
05-09-2024 05:41 PM
@GreyWolf7 if it helps.... I didn't specify that it had to be a full-sized car! If you go to a toy shop or hobby shop, maybe even check out some op shops - maybe they'd have some old toy cars there? Food for thought!
05-09-2024 05:59 PM
05-09-2024 05:59 PM
Symmetry - view from the second level of the Eiffel Tower.
Weird architecture- Walt Disney concert Hall LA
fungus- some mushrooms
p.s, @Jynx I spent a good half hour at bigw last Saturday, searching through all the hot wheels for a pre 50’s car, and had no luck!
05-09-2024 06:10 PM
05-09-2024 06:10 PM
Ooooh nice shots @Bow!!
Haha you had the same idea as me! Maybe we'll have to get lucky with some op shops then!
Heck, at this point I'd also accept photos of a horse and cart, as a 'car' that people used pre-1950's!! It's not as fun if the challenge is toooo challenging and leaves us frustrated instead, hey!
08-09-2024 01:02 AM
08-09-2024 01:02 AM
@Jynx I love this idea, as it does get me out of the cabin and/or house to look for ideas, and since I am very low on vitamin D, this is a good thing. Plus it gets my mind going overtime, thinking of places I could go to find what I am after.
I would definitely be up for more of this idea.
08-09-2024 10:37 AM
08-09-2024 10:37 AM
Catch up time. Hope these photos qualify.
black and white dog. We get lots of dogs at the markets, so I was on the hunt. Spotted this scruffy one….
Pre 1950’s car. I’m not sure how old this one is, but mum reckons it should be old enough. It’s not the greatest photo. I seen it while setting up at market yesterday and then it disappear. Seen it again once we had packed up and on our way out. So it was a quick snap as we drove past.
something out of whack? Found a tardis in some beach side town on a holiday last year. Had to crop my daughter out of it!
09-09-2024 01:30 PM
09-09-2024 01:30 PM
@Jynx @Bow @GreyWolf7 @MJG017 @Shaz51
OMG, I had an appointment today and I think I was paying more attention to the buildings I was passing to see if they fit the "Weird architecture" category, than on the road, LOL
09-09-2024 02:54 PM
09-09-2024 02:54 PM
@Mustang67 Yep... got to be careful when your driving and on the hunt! 😃
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