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Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

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Whether it's travelling to a foreign country or being away from your own bed somewhere else for the night, lets explore how we manage our mental health issues in times where our routine might be different or our comforts aren't the same. @Former-Member will be facilitating this group discussion so come along and share your experiences and insights so we can work through some tips, ideas and thoughts around this topic! 


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I'm new here - what is Topic Tuesday?

Topic Tuesday runs from 7pm - 9pm AEST monthly. Each month we focus on a different topic, with the session facilitated by a Community Manager or Moderator. Sometimes Topic Tuesday will feature a special guest, who is an expert in the topic.

The first post of the thread (this one) will give you an idea of what the topic is and what will be covered.


How do I get involved?

Topic Tuesday takes place right here! It's text based, so no software is needed. During the session, to keep up with the latest posts hit the 'refresh' button on your browser for the latest posts (it doesn't automatically update). Keep an eye for page numbers at the top & bottom of the page, and jump to the highest page number for the most recent post.


Throughout the session, the facilitator will put questions out for you to answer, usually asking for your own experience on the topic. To contribute to the session, just hit the 'reply' button and share your thoughts. No answers are right or wrong and everyone is welcome to get involved.


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Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hello and welcome everyone!


A big hello to those that wanted a reminder for tonight @Talin @greenspace @Shaz51 @outlander @neli02 @Snowie @Former-Member @CheerBear @Ilovehiking 


For tonight’s discussion, we are talking about travel on any level. It might be travel overseas on a big holiday or it might be staying over for a night somewhere that isn’t your own home for whatever reason. The common thread that we will also investigate is comfort zones and managing fears! Please do keep in mind our guidelines around anonymity. If you are away somewhere, or going away somewhere, please be wary to not mention specific dates in partnership with specific locations or any other specific details that could make you or your location identifiable.


With all that said and done, the way tonight works, is that I will share with you some thoughts and question prompts around this topic - please get involved and share your insights or other questions you have, you never know when your own learnings can be so helpful to another and vice versa, so don't be shy! To get us warmed up and started I'd love to hear what has brought you here tonight and what this topic tonight means to you?




Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hi everyone,
I am going away interstate for placement for 8 weeks and worried about how I am going to go away from family supports

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Talin - thanks for coming along tonight and welcome!


It can definitely be challenging thinking about being away from our regular supports, it can be helpful to know things like the timeframe you will be away though - we will be investigating how we manage things like this over tonights discussion so stay with us as we just wait and welcome a few more people too!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

I wanted to join the discussion tonight, partly because the Topic Tuesdays keep me feeling connected to this community, and partly because I am anxious any time I go away, even if it's only for a few nights.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hello @Former-Member , @Talin 

we ae travelling away for a week in a few weeks time  and mr shaz is starting to worry about going already

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hi @greenspace 

Yes Topic Tuesdays are great events to keep connected with the community - love to hear that! 

I also think its really important that tonight as we discuss this topic, that it doesn't always depend on how long or how far you might be going away for. Anxiety and managing our mental health when outside our comfort zone or even away from our bed is enough to impact us and that is what we will look at managing as well 👍🏼

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Shaz51 ! Welcome!


Glad you have come along and hopefully we can all share and get some good ideas in place that can help you and Mr Shaz for the trip!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hi Lauz, I suffer anxiety depression ptsd & battle back injury. I'm here because I live alone and need to move out of the city to afford rent but there's nowhere with family or friend support and communities take so long to break into and I'm worried my MH will decline without having set up professional supports..

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hey all,


I have anxiety and care for someone with anxiety. I’ve planned a holiday for us both and my partner for a week at the end of the year. I struggle to settle at nights and usually can’t stay anywhere without my partner with me.

I’m worried that I am not going to be able to cope with my anxiety and the person I care for all at once. This will be the first time we both holiday together.


Any advice?

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