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Re: Winter solstice

There's something in that re cats' perspicuity @Patches59 . My cat has been agitated and complaining at times until I sit down, then climbing on my lap. And he was stressed in the lead up to my eye op and about the stay in the cattery. 

i trust youve had no wind damage @Patches59 @NatureLover . I've had none bar picking up some twigs.

Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity , nice to see you! Yes, I think from memory you can save money on the speed, not the bandwidth, for NBN plans. 


There are a lot of twigs around plus we lost power here for a day. (Back on now)


I hope you are feeling a little stronger 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

Hello @NatureLover I hope you're starting to find your feet again. I've lost my way too. 

Are you able to reach out to friends? I don't feel I have anyone. I feel bruised by recent interactions with family.

I think I'm wasting my MHCP. Today's session didn't help. But maybe things will improve. 

House. Garden. Paperwork. Tomorrow? 













Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity , I'm still all over the place. The insomnia isn't helping. 


I'm sorry to hear you've lost your way too. 😥 And that your 3rd psych appt didn't go well 😣


Do you think you'll have a break then go back for a 4th? 


Would calling a helpline help, for someone to talk to? 


I'm not sure about reaching out to friends. Maybe I should just accept my new chaotic lifestyle? I will tell my psychologist anyway, this Friday. 


I guess the hospital paperwork is on hold due to putting off your sounds like you have lots of other paperwork to deal with though. Good luck with it... 

Re: Winter solstice

At the moment I don't feel like continuing with the appointments @NatureLover and may cancel when the psychologist returns from leave (she doesn't have office support). And the appts are financially draining, although I'd tolerate that if they were worthwhile. 

I rang a Helpline a couple of weeks ago when I was particularly fearful about losing the plot. 

I don't think you should "accept your new chaotic lifestyle" when things are making you upset and unhappy. You were quite ill for quite a while and having bad asthma for such a long time would have been very debilitating.  It's bound to take time to find your feet again especially with your ongoing MH challenges.  Hopefully your psychologist today will be helpful and supportive and reassuring. 

I'm feeling quite miserable at the moment but don't want it to be contagious so won't dwell on it. 

The new forums layout is really hard to use on my mobile. I'll have to find a new way to approach it. I've started trying to find the threads I use most so I can mark them as favourites but otherwise I'll probably have to rely on email notifications.  I don't think I'll be able to see and join in on new threads. I'll tag @tyme in case this counts as useful feedback.

Take care my friend  and enjoy the day as best you can.


Re: Winter solstice

Thank you for your lovely encouraging message, @Dimity . 


Fair enough you don;t want to continue with your appts. It's disappointing that the psychologist wasn't more helpful. 😢


@Dimity wrote:

I don't think you should "accept your new chaotic lifestyle" when things are making you upset and unhappy. You were quite ill for quite a while and having bad asthma for such a long time would have been very debilitating.  It's bound to take time to find your feet again especially with your ongoing MH challenges.  Hopefully your psychologist today will be helpful and supportive and reassuring. 


Thank you so much for your wisdom ❤️


Sorry you are feeling miserable 😢 You are welcome to elaborate, I will listen after my appt, later today?


I am also finding the new layout hard - very busy, complex and confusing. 


Hope you are OK and safe @Dimity ❤️

Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity that is useful feedback on the new forums layout. So the team can understand how to best use this information I'm wondering how you used to find your threads?

Re: Winter solstice

@Ru-bee I kept on top of most of my threads via subscriptions (for email notifications and on-site lists of notifications),  keyword searching for thread titles, and keeping an eye on new threads for friends like Eden1919 who tend to start new threads rather than continue old ones. I'll try to mark some threads as favourites as that method seems highlighted in the new interface. I'm not sure what to do now new threads are buried in the flow of current discussions as I don't think you can choose to follow particular participants. I've seen a suggestion that there's a way of seeing new discussions but I think that must relate to the laptop not the mobile view.


Many thanks for following up with me.

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @Dimity I'm passing that feedback along, that's really helpful 😊 Hopefully we'll see some improvements as we continue to update the new format and address these teething issues as they come up

Re: Winter solstice

Hey @Dimity , Thanks for passing on that feedback. As @Ru-bee mentioned, it's been passed onto the developers.


From what I know, the format is to encourage members to create new threads when new things come up in their lives as opposed to having threads that have over 8000 pages. This is to ease navigation, and to invite new members into the conversations.


I'm not sure as yet whether we will be closing long-standing threads.