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Re: Jude’s Jungle

Hey @Judi9877,

Always enjoy reading your post - so glad to read you are doing so well with your knitting and getting some great strategies at PARCS.  I haven't meditated for a while but you have reminded me that I should start that up again - I also found it helps my mood and mental outlook.

I hope your meeting with your case manager goes well. I get what you mean about feeling a bit nervous when you don't know what to expect. I often feel like that as well.

Hope the day is good to you and look forward to reading how you get on.

Take Care and Best wishes, 


Re: Jude’s Jungle

Good afternoon @FloatingFeather @MDT @Former-Member @Appleblossom @TAB @Shaz51 @BPDSurvivor @tyme @Former-Member @Paperdaisy @Oaktree @hanami @Former-Member @Snowie and all forumites joining me in the jungle today. How is your day going? Thanks for joining me here! 

I’ve got my case management appointment here at PARCS at 3pm today and I’m feeling a lot more settled since the psych nurse that’s on duty today has agreed to sit in on it since he’s had case management experience in the past as an actual case manager so that’s a positive for me. He told me a lot more about the role this morning and it’s settled my nerves which I’m happy with. The staff at PARCS are glad I’ve got case management on board and my housemate/best friend spoke to the psychiatrist today when he called and she told him what I want from this type of service including a meds review which should hopefully happen since the case management service has a psychiatrist linked in with them. Apparently it looks like I’ve already been approved for the service according to the psychiatrist who spoke to my housemate so today is a meet and greet and more like a formality if anything. 

For my last day here at PARCS, my day has been spent knitting a new blanket with 170 stitches on a pair of 5mm needles as there’s not a whole lot going on with limited amount of people at the facility. As I said earlier, I’ve got my case management meeting soon and I’ve just met with my PARCS worker for a chat about things so nothing much going on. 

Talk later!


Re: Jude’s Jungle

Re: Jude’s Jungle

Hi there @Judi9877 


It sounds like it's all gone so well at PARC. Looking forward to hearing how your meeting goes! ❤️


Hanami 💮

Re: Jude’s Jungle

Hi there everyone joining me in the jungle this afternoon. Just a quick update to let you know the case management appointment got cancelled at the last minute for no apparent reason and that it has been rescheduled to this Thursday at 12:30 at the local health clinic in my area. I’m a little disappointed to be honest as I was looking forward to meeting this new person and getting part of my life sorted out prior to leaving PARCS tomorrow but that’s life and I have to accept it. I’m now spending my time working on a new blanket of 170 stitches that I started on Saturday night and plan to change so I don’t make the same mistakes as my previous blanket that I finished on Saturday night and was disappointed with. I’ve also got some music playing in on a Apple Music playlist of mine to boost up my mood. I’ve just emailed my psychologist to tell him about the change of plans with the case manager as well so he’s aware of things. 

Thanks for reading this update. Talk later.



Re: Jude’s Jungle

Hi @Judi9877 


That's a shame it got cancelled but sounds like you are handle the change of plans quite well. It can be a challenge to us when things don't go to plan. I find it disconcerting so it's great you have handled it well!


Thanks for your update 


Hanami 💮


Re: Jude’s Jungle

Good morning @hanami @TAB @FloatingFeather @MDT @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Snowie @tyme @BPDSurvivor and all forumites here joining me in the jungle. Welcome 👋


Today at 12:30, I have my case management appointment which I’m feeling nervous about to be honest. I’m concerned about what will happen despite the case manager on Monday afternoon telling me the appointment will go between 60-90 minutes for her to conduct the assessment. My housemate is coming along for support which is good for me as at least then I can debrief with her later on. I’ll just have to play it by ear I guess and see what goes.


As for the rest of my PARCS experience, it ended on a bad note with a worker expecting me to do some cleaning before I left despite having an injury. Also, I didn’t feel very welcome in the end and just wanted to leave as I felt the new organisation didn’t do the program very well at the facility with their version of mental health support sessions in groups not lasting very long at all and therefore not giving me enough information on topics that they did do sessions on. The food wasn’t very good either so I’m a little disappointed in the whole experience to be honest and not in a hurry to go back there. My key worker in the end didn’t really help me with what I wanted as he was too busy getting things organised for Prac placement students to worry about me which I didn’t like either. So, basically, it was a bit of a bad experience for me in the end.


I’m feeling a lot better being back at home with my housemate/best friend and my cat Mitz which is the main thing with me not being bored yesterday which is good. I came home on Tuesday feeling angry about PARCS so I sat down and did some knitting and crochet which helped improve my mood. 

Talk later!


Re: Jude’s Jungle

sorry PARC wasn't ideal @Judi9877  hope your appointment goes okay

Not applicable

Re: Jude’s Jungle

Hi @Judi9877 , wishing you the very best of luck with your case management appointment today- looking forward to hearing how it all goes. It's good to hear that you're enjoying being back at home, what crochet project are you working on at the moment?

Re: Jude’s Jungle

Hi @Judi9877,

What a shame you didn't feel your PARCS overall experience wasn't that good. It sounded like it started out okay and sort of went down hill a bit.

I hope your case management appointment went well. It's great that your house mate/friend is so supportive - it sounds like you are very lucky to have each other.

I'm sure you are glad to be home. Love your cat's name! My aunty used to have a corgi named Mitzi - so you mentioning your Mitz took me back a long way in my memory :).

It's great that you can lift your mood with your knitting and crocheting - it's sound like a good calming technique. I may just have to give it a go one day!

Hope you and well and look forward to chatting soon.

Best wishes,



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