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Severe Anxiety and how to cope

At the moment I am struggling with anxiety, panic and abandonment issues 


I would like to ask the community if they have any tips to help self regulate while going through this.


Re: Severe Anxiety and how to cope

@Emma9Sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment.  I can't offer much advice other what sometimes works for me.  I try to force myself to do something to keep myself busy... as a distraction I guess.  Even if it is just doing a crossword or playing a game on the computer, doing some jobs around the house etc.  It's often the last thing I feel like doing when I'm struggling myself, but I just try to force myself to do it.   Sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much, but if I do, it at least gives me a bit of a mental break from everything which I then finds helps me to deal with things a bit easier once the distraction is over.


Is there anything you usually enjoy doing to take your mind off things? 


Re: Severe Anxiety and how to cope

Hi @Emma9 


Welcome to the forums!


It sounds like you're going through quite a difficult time at the moment. I find when looking to self-regulate it helps to get to know these emotions: Try to understand where they're coming from and notice when they are more intense or 'triggered'.

If this isn't something you're already aware of then keeping note of these emotions over a week can help you to understand patterns and can help you anticipate times when you're likely to struggle with them so you can pull out some self-regulation tools.

I mention this step because many self-regulation tools work best in the stages before we become overwhelmed with our feelings.


Have you tried any self-regulation methods in the past that might have worked/not worked? 

Often it's best to have a sort of 'toolkit' of methods you use, as they might not always work the same way every time, so it's good to have backups.



Re: Severe Anxiety and how to cope

hey @Emma9,


sorry to hear you're feeling overwhelmed at the moment. 

when i notice my anxiety building up, i make sure to take a break and just breathe - even if i'm at work or in public places, i'll try step outside or go the bathroom (anywhere i can get some privacy) and just take deep breathes (inhale for 6 counts, hold for 7 counts, exhale for 8 counts or longer). writing down a list of things i want to get done or just simply writing everything i'm feeling helps release some of the anxiety for me, it helps puts words to my feelings when my minds all over the place.

exercise has been really helpful as well - i'm not typically an 'active' person but i started doing daily walks around scenic places last year, and it really helped release that anxious tension from my body. i also listen to music/audiobooks during those walks to help calm or distract my mind. the walks weren't an easy habit to start but once i consistently started, it really did help my mind and body.


for my friends, i know that things like puzzles, squishy/fidget toys, cooking, painting their nails, night skin-care routine, watching movies/tv shows, going for a drive, reading at a cafe, art, etc., have helped them - is there any activities like those that you think will help you? or perhaps any that you're interested in trying?