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Re: Living with Ourselves

Hi @Sophia1 


It's very grounding to keep in contact with you... just then i thought about that saying 'early bird gets the worm ' and 'make hay while the sun shines '


Sending you wishes and hope of wellness for you and your family .

Re: Living with Ourselves

wow Eude I must have sensed that you were on line so to speak...

thank you for the lovely comment that you feed grounded with our keeping in contact with each other..

that is the same for me also..

that is what friendship is about isn't it..


You are sounding so much more grounded in yourself and calmer...more at peace with the world...

I know that you do have ups and downs....part of the symptoms...

you have come a long way though...


what have you been up to today? @eudemonism 


Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1  doing alot of running around and down the street stuff in the car. It takes it out of me. 


At home or when walking the dog and surrounded by nature. I'm alot more centred and focused. But doing down town and spending money stuff . Makes my feelings go like a yo yo . I really have to pull myself together after going down town .


Something that might help . Selecting your thoughts. I think it's an interesting concept . Having motive behind selecting your thoughts also . Choosing to be calm and well .


How are your cats going?


My animals are all fine and doing well . I say this because you've asked a few times about them. Which i appreciate very much because it shows you care and are concerned. 

Re: Living with Ourselves

hello @eudemonism 


Oh I do understand the going into town or city scenario...

people without mind issues have no idea how it impacts every single part of our lives...

as you are doing we push ourselves to achieve what we need to do when we are well enough to do so...

is still draining though..

you have done well..


Yes I agree with your comment about selecting thoughts....noticing your thoughts and breathing at times when you are you said walking the dog...surrounded by nature..these are times that can help our mind body and soul come together...

nature is all around us everday which is something that I noticed I became unaware of when heavily depressed...

Once the heaviness lifted after many years....this is earlier on in my life...I was astounded when I noticed the clouds driving down a hill...then the city skyline...

clouds are so incredible to watch and observe their changing...dispersing or increasing in volume and depth of darkness as the minute drops of water cumulate...

I have always loved clouds back from when I was very young...lay down and look up at the sky and watch them...look at some of the shapes and see something different as in a face or animal form..


for me very soothing..

my cats are very well and very bossy...each coming more into their own since we have moved here as there is no cat flap and they are only allowed out into the back garden here..

We have a cat enclosure with snake proof netting for when we move to new home...

there will be snakes as we will be surrounded by reserve and a river opposite us...

I am dreading finding a snake...I have a phobia about them..


Do you still have your pet snake? You still have your cat and dog I see...they become family don't they..

I care very much about animals...wildlife...nature

and true friendships also..


Re: Living with Ourselves

Hello @Maggie 


Thank you for the support button thingy...

How are things panning out for you at the moment?


Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1  I’m being handed from person to person, answering the same questions over and over. I’m over it, but waiting till my counsellor returns from holidays, another 26 days. 😫😫 I did get some pain relief during the week which is slightly helping, but that’s been another waiting game. 10 mths waiting to see a pain specialist. 😫😫 our hospital has collapsed, not good news. So nothing really looking good here. Frustrated about it all.

Are you surviving?

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1 ❤❤❤

Re: Living with Ourselves

@Sophia1  yes i still have my pet python. I bought a couple of frozen rats from the pet store today. 


That's a lovely piece of writing you've written also...


Don't forget the waves and the sea . They are also very soothing. I think apart of what I'm dealing with at present . Is the seasons changing . Everything warming up. Everything around me coming to life. From winter hibernation to spring activity in a matter of weeks . Hopefully i adjust and find healthy and appropriate ways to manage. As i hope everyone does . It's also part to do with having money. Being an impulsive spender. It is a motivating force that's for sure. But perhaps all in the wrong ways . Once it's gone i settle down into a more relaxed routine. But it's ironic because there's never quite enough for everything. Especially when my smoking is taken into account. 


A snake proof cat enclosure . Because you're next to the reserves and a river . Yes you'll have to keep an eye out for slithering reptiles . Just a few days ago . I was walking apart of my local trail. And i was vigilant about snakes. For myself and my dog. But only seen about 7 or so young blue tounge lizards and a baby and fully grown bearded dragon. Plus got the chance to say hello to someone who was walking their dogs. It uplifted me .


All for now take care. Going to try and calm my nerves and settle myself. 

Re: Living with Ourselves



Getting my fix of cloud therapy 

Re: Living with Ourselves