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Re: Coming clean


I go next week (Monday to Friday). Sorry I haven't posted about it until just now. We've momentarily lost internet at home while they sort out our ADSL to NBN installation and connection.  Found out yesterday about the bed being available out of catchment. The respite house is pulling a lot of strings to get in and funding is easier to get because it is through Commonwealth funding (which is relatively easy to apply for).

Re: Coming clean

I'm starting to get really nervous about the respite. It's in a place I've never been before and I don't know any of the staff there. On my traffic light system, I've indicated to my Mrs that I'm currently sitting on red. I'm starting to pack for the week, but I have this overwhelming sense of foreboding. I guess it's because I'm really stepping outside my comfort zone. 

Re: Coming clean

I think that feeling is fairly common @Queenie. Basically it's fear of the unknown. You'll be fine when you get there. Hugzzz 💕

Re: Coming clean

So far respite is okay. I don't really talk to anyone and just keep to myself all the time. I went to the big shopping centre and got hopelessly lost there. Took me two hours to find the right exit to catch the bus back again. So far so good, the Mrs is missing me but knows I am coming back on Friday in a hopefully better mindset.

Re: Coming clean

I'm home everyone and I've crashed. All I feel like doing is sleeping the day (and night) away. I just feel like bursting into tears and hiding. I can't do any of those things however, the Mrs has her kids here for the weekend and there is a family event tomorrow... it's all too much too soon. I only made my stay at respite so short because of the kids coming and the family event, otherwise, I would have stayed longer if it was possible. 

When I get like this it scares me. It really does. This was supposed to stop me heading into the hospital. I've got things to keep me going (like study and art), but right now I don't give a rats about any of that. 

I could never tell my Mrs how I feel right now. She wouldn't understand and would take it personally, which she shouldn't. I'm red on the traffic light system, but I weakly smile and say I'm green. Here at home, I can't take showers to ground me if I have panic attacks. I'm stuck.

Re: Coming clean

I have to say farewell to all of you in forum land. I don't want to go, but it isn't my safe place to vent anymore. My Mrs has joined here and has been reading my posts. She knows who I am so anonymity is lost. Unless @Former-Member has an alternative?

Not applicable

Re: Coming clean

Hi @Queenie,

So sorry I wanted to respond to you earlier but it's been a busy night!

It would be such a shame both to not have you in the forum and for you to not be able vent here as you need. I will discuss this in the office on monday and be in touch with you Smiley Happy

In the meantime, I hope you are able to enjoy your night and the weekend.

Take care Smiley Very Happy

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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