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Re: A long rave

@TAB   thanks for your encouragement, but actually I never had lost my licence.  So there was no test necessary.  But I have been doing lessons with a mental health occupational therapist (covered by my NDIS funds and just as well - it cost $436 for every one hour lesson).   I stopped driving a few years ago for various health reasons - mostly uncontrollable anxiety attacks that meant I would lose peripheral awareness or even dissociate entirely.  So I was paralysed into total avoidance of driving.  One time I blacked out on my motorbike and came to still upright and doing 80 in traffic.  Still can't believe it wasn't much worse e.g. crashed into another vehicle also doing 80.  Could have been very messy.  My drive with bro went really well just now.  We went around the coast past a few beaches and back through town.  He said I did really well, as if I'd been doing it all along.  My next challenge was to be doing it with just one of my support workers in the car with me but that is now not going to happen for quite some time most likely.  So I will go with bro sometimes while I work out a strategy to start doing it alone.  e.g. gradually increasing radius from home.


Hope you're doing ok today.  Sending warm wishes.

Re: A long rave

oh okay @eth  I didnt realise that, well hope your driving goes okay  and thanks for your wishes, its actually cold here, well when sitting on lounge lol 

Re: A long rave

@eth @Mazarita  And everyone ❤️💚💙💜💛

Re: A long rave

Hi @eth @Mazarita

Your kind thoughts & suggestions are much appreciated.

Sending you warm thoughts also.

Hurt feelings not intended.



Re: A long rave

Thank you @eth for tagging me and I hope everything works out for the best for you. 

I have mostly been stuck inside my little one who has a cough but is getting better. I don't think I will be sending him back to school though as he gets sick so easily. Also there are a lot of routine changes at school and changes keep happening which he struggles with due to his asd so might be better to implement a stable routine at home and teach him at home. 


I am worried about my sister, her partner and their 4 kids as they are in the middle of moving from nsw to wa and now they got the freight with all their big and none essentials they are going to drive over and will have to do stop quarantine stop overs each state. They all got tested recently and had negative results come back for everyone yesterday so they have been given they okay to go.

Re: A long rave

@Define_normal Hope your sister has checked if she can come. The WA borders have been closed


Re: A long rave

Yeah @cutiepiekitty  @they are already classed as residents there there stuff is already there and my sis partner has already got his new id

Re: A long rave

@Define_normal Unless they got here before 1.30 pm today they will not be allowed in residents or not ....  ALL access to WA by road, rail, air and sea is closed now. The only exception is for essential workers that are on official business so likely they will be be trapped


Re: A long rave

Hi everyone.


Yes our WA borders got closed today....


I now have more medical issues to add to my chronic ones.

I've got on-going very high blood pressure (that won't come down).

Dr said I need to reduce my stress levels – to try to lower my blood pressure.


I have no idea how to do that, other than maybe frequent relaxation exercises - Dr suggested, but gave no examples.


Will start medication (today) for prostate problems (which also lowers blood pressure) - then blood pressure meds as well, if that is not enough.


My Disability work may shut down (due to cancellations & restrictions), by the end of this week - I earnestly hope not.


Thinking of you all.



Re: A long rave

lots foods good for BP @Adge  also see centrelink once things calm down maybe

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