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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51  Hey Shaz51 thank you for the invite. Hi also to @Faith-and-Hope @SJT63 @Determined @Former-Member  and everyone.  I am just going to make myself a green tea :D.xx

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51 well less than 24 hours after my weekend away (which didn't go all that well) I was being evicted from my own house. Luckily I hadn't unpacked the car. I'm staying at an airbnb near my work.


I’ll be heading off in about an hour, back to the bnb. I miss him terribly, but I miss the man I fell in love with, the man who makes me laugh and cuddles me, not the man who abuses me. I miss the man who says that he loves me unconditionally and doesn’t want me to change, not the man who demands absolute perfection and obedience.


I wish I’d never come away and I wish I didn’t have to go back and I wish I was home now and I wish I could go back 2 years and never start this and I wish more than anything just to go back 6 months to when we were still happy.


And I wish I could concentrate on getting my work done instead of desperately searching facebook, gmail and the support forums for brief words of encouragement and I wish I could say what I really feel instead of having to tone down the language... I've been moderated twice now for being too descriptive.


My eyes keep leaking salt water and the men I work with are very confused. Obviously no one except my partner knows I'm not going home at night.


Anyway I've begged him (in an email on Monday) to be more pro-active about his physical and metal health - to make appointments with all the specialists to whom he has referrals.


I am just really sad and really confused.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

sending you hugs my @SJT63 Heart

@Faith-and-Hope@greenpea@Determined , @Former-Member 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Shaz51  🙂

I I will be calling Open Arms today and ask for advice on how...where...when to meet other carers. I feel lost in a sea of confusion. My partner with MI has kickedme out...doesn't want to see me even though I'm the only one she has.

It's nice to just get a hello from you..thank you


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @WinstonOBoogie 

Carers Australia might be able to help you. What state are you in? Might be able to suggest other resources for you.

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?



Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Former-Member 

I am in Brisbane. Thinking it would be beneficial to meet and chat with carers that have walked this scary and turbulent path.

As a newbie to having a partner with major depression, anxiety  and has no friends to turn to other than me...and been taking out extreme anger on me...I'm feeling lost.

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@WinstonOBoogie  Hey WinstonOBoogie and welcome to the forums. Sorry it has taken me a while to get around to saying hi. Hope you enjoy your time here and make use of the different threads to meet all of the formites. Love to you. greenpeax

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Darcy..thank you 🙂
Have sent my details to them 👍