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Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hey @Snowie thats really great! A coping box can be a helpful tool generally and then to be able to have things in it to take away is useful. If you are comfortable would you mind sharing what a coping box is for those here that may not have heard of it before 🌈👍🏼


@Jm3 I can understand not being able to pack every supportive thing in. What about some tools that aren't objects - more practices such as mindfulness or apps to use even? Do you communicate with your partner around apprehensions and how you could both plan for each others together perhaps?


Has communication with people you are travelling with or to helped people feel a bit more safe in that fear of unknown?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Jm3 , In my coping box I have things that link to my 5 senses. So colouring book, play dough, fidget spinner, candles, smelling oils, some chocolate, cuddle toys, things like that

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Oh @Jm3, I'm sorry your pup was injured! I hope he's all better now.
That really doesn't help with the anxiety, does it?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Travelling should be F U N !

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Has communication with people you are travelling with or to helped people feel a bit more safe in that fear of unknown?


yes mr shaz always follows my lead , so if I have plans of how the day is going and being calm , it does helps @Former-Member 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

@Snowie, really enjoying your coping box ideas. Especially saved music

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

I'm alone so communication is mostly between my ears LOL

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

@Jm3 @greenspace and everyone - it is hard when we are possibly leaving behind loved ones or furbabies. Sometimes having the challenging experience like you did @Jm3 can really rattle us or leave us fearful. It can also though teach us, that even if things don't work out how we planned, they do get resolved and we do work it out - this isn't to devalue the experience but do you think there is some truth in this? When an unknown or fear came about, were you able to appreciate your strength after? (I too have a furbaby and hope yours was okay in the end!) 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

@Snowie thanks for sharing your coping box with us! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member yes definitely. My partner is like my rock in these situations. It is amazing to have someone who helps me through. Communication is about the only thing I’m good at!