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Re: Winter solstice

oh gosh @Patches59  I'm sorry it had that effect 😕


Re: Winter solstice

@RachSANECEOnothing to say sorry for.


it was great hearing your thoughts on early intervention and the huge potential positive impact it can have.  Wish there is more people associated with the medical field who have the same thoughts and enthusiasm as you about providing help, support, referrals etc at stage one instead of people having to wait for years

Re: Winter solstice

It is okay to grieve a life you never got to live @Patches59. If it makes you angry, I hope you've got some ways to express that anger - it deserves to come out. Big hugs to you friend 💜

Re: Winter solstice

@Jynx   💜



Re: Winter solstice

Hey @Patches59 , we are so grateful you were here.


We care about you and we are sitting with you.

Re: Winter solstice

@Patches59 @Shaz51 @NatureLover reading back things are much the same as when I started this thread the winter before last. 

Plus although I had cataract surgery a couple of months ago I've developed a secondary cataract and the optometrist is recommending laser surgery.

I'm not sure if my family situation is toxic or if it's all my fault but I can't cope with it. My sister needs a carer and I'm not up to it.We don't seem to be able to talk about it.. 

One thing at a time. 




Re: Winter solstice

Hey @Dimity , sure sounds hectic right now. 


Please don't blame yourself and go slow.


We are here for you.


Are you concerned about the laser surgery?

Re: Winter solstice

It's not the laser surgery itself I fear @tyme. I had about 6 failed surgeries in my blind eye and it's demoralising to have had confirmation today of the problems in my "good" eye. I think I'd expected to be fobbed off and hear I was okay, with the inference I was imagining it. 

I'm still waiting on pelvic floor surgery too. I'm just a bit fed up with myself, I wish I could pull my socks up and snap out of it. 

I took your advice the other day and rang a helpline but it didn't really help. I don't know when I last spoke to family or friends in real life, it would be months.

Re: Winter solstice

Hugs my @Dimity 🥰 here  for you 

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @Shaz51