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Re: I can’t cope

Yummmm @Snowie I love dumplings!! 😍

Re: I can’t cope

Either, either @Jynx. Hospital clinic it’s all MH related. 

I think there is Uber outside metro areas just not in little places like this. 

I have a heap of lite n easy meals in the freezer. I had sweet and sour chicken. 

That makes sense with reflux. 

Ive taken my meds and realised I have run out of one. I don’t even know when I can get it. The chemist I use is closed tomorrow and they have my scripts! 

I feel a little sick. 

Im watching an aboriginal movie on Netflix. It’s pretty confronting. It could be set in my town, it actually happened, that’s why there isn’t many indigenous here. 

Re: I can’t cope

So do I @Jynx 

Had to buy some for D too. My kids love them!

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 true true! Just wanted to ensure I'm using terminology that you're comfy with 😊


MMM sweet n sour chicken! Haven't had that in forever. Was the freezer version alright? I find those freezer meals can be very hit n miss hey. 


Oh noooo I hate when that happens! Are they meds that you will really notice the missed dose? How far away is the nearest chemist that would be open on a Sunday? I suppose in a pinch, you could always duck in to the local hospital and see if they can help? Surely they'd have everything on hand right, and if you brought in your empty script...? 


Aww hun, huggles to you, sounds like it's hitting close to home. What film is it, if you don't mind my asking? 



@Snowie mmmm yay! Were they take-away/already cooked? I finally worked out bestr way to cook dumplings at home and wanted to see if you do the same! Basically just lightly pan-fry till golden on one side, then smash a dollop of water into the pan (till they're like, 1/4 in water) and cover em so they steam up good! Once all water has evaporated they're done, and they get this almost gooey, caramlised crunch to them!! Okay that's it, I'm gonna have to get me some dumplings tomorrow! 😅 

Re: I can’t cope

I’m cool with whatever @Jynx We alternate between either or the name. 

Being lite n easy they are really good. There is a huge variety too. For lunch I had a chicken wrap with salad and chipotle mayo. 

It’s called ‘high ground’ it’s pretty wild. Very violent. But I guess that was or is life for them. 


Yes I will notice. It can send me into a deep depression or send me manic. My scripts are at the chemist so I can’t go shopping in bad times. I have a GP appointment this week. If I can convince work to let me go then maybe I can pick it up. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 just had a look at the synopsis, and yeah sounds very intense. But still seems very worth a watch, I'll be adding it to my list. I think sometimes there's catharsis to be found in films like that, as well as being humbled, and reminding me of all the work we still need to do to try to repair all the damage done by my ancestors. How are you feeling now, have you finished watching it yet? 


Oof, good to know - I can make a note for the team if you like? Just in terms of keeping an extra eye on you, until you can get your meds sorted! Like for me, sometimes I do need some external reminders, like a friend reminding me 'hey stop stressing over why you can't deal with this, don't forget you're off your meds and haven't slept etc." can go a long way cos when I'm in that state, it's much harder to remember, let alone remind myself. 

Re: I can’t cope

Sort of stunned @Jynx. It is probably similar to what happened. It was a cruel world and white people were horrible. 

Yeah that would be good if it’s ok. A gentle little prompt may make me think about what’s really happening. After stopping all my meds a while ago and ended up in a mess, I am kinda concerned. This is what happens in a country town. Shows how rural I really am!!! 

I want to go to Just jeans too but it’s shut as well. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 yeah for sure. And so many of em still are, unfortunately. Zombies, vampires, and other horror movie monsters? Meh. But an old cis-het white guy in a suit? *shivers*


I will make a note of it hun, and maybe check in with you on Monday (if I forget, you have my permission to tag me as many times as you like to get my attention, hehe). Maybe you could make a visual reminder for yourself too, like a post-it on the fridge saying 'Don't forget the meds, these feelings are normal, I will be ok', or something like that? 


Oh dang it!! Ach, I do remember how dificult it is to get anything done on a Sunday if you live in the country! 


Anywhoodle, I'm off! Rest well hun, thanks for the awesome chats tonight! 💜

Re: I can’t cope

Just checking if you got the above before you log off @Jynx. Sorry, I don’t mean to be a bother

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks heaps… good night.. enjoy your day tomorrow @Jynx