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Re: Good Morning!

winging it like it's 1999 @TAB
what have you got on today?

Re: Good Morning!


Morning all Smiley Happy

Have a great day !!

Re: Good Morning!

ha ha @MDT  picking up workboots this afternoon, guess will be needing them one day lol  saw this morning on fb

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @TAB @MDT @BPDSurvivor @Clawde @oceangirl have a great day.


I was looking online and saw a lived experience job in regards to mental health and thought of starting that. I know it's a long shot but has anyone heard of it?



Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member ,


Good morning!


I guess a 'lived experience' job may be a peer work position? Or it could be to support the development of treatments etc? What do you think? I'm not sure what the job description entails in the position you saw.


Sounds interesting though.

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @BPDSurvivor your're right! Peer support worker is the start I'm aiming for - hoping a DES provider might be able to set me up with work experience and go from there. Change of plans it seems lol hoping it's as rewarding as it sounds.


how're you this morning anyway?



Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @Former-Member
Always worth a shot with those methinks

Re: Good Morning!

Just a lot of public service feedback and buzzwords here @TAB
Hope workbooks still fit for you

Re: Good Morning!

I'm not 100% about what a 'peer worker' does @Former-Member  sometimes counsellor positions ask for 'lived experience'  used to read in papers about govt D&A counsellors going off rails. They were reverting to old habits. Just saying as an example. so their position could have asked for 'lived experience' guess they are chasing empathy. .

Perhaps ask @MDT  as well as @Former-Member  I recall @MDT  saying he had done some research on working in MH area .

Have a good day anyway

Re: Good Morning!

oh boots yes should be alright they a half a size bigger than normal should be fine @MDT  might not 'fit' me in other ways though ha ha lol