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Since I've been Ill........

This is a good topic.I realise what things I've learnt since I've been ill.Firstly,I have the time to learn things and even relearn things.I learn about myself.I learn I'm stronger minded and more resourceful than I ever realised.That really makes you feel proud.I've discovered a lot of things that help me cope better with various problems. I've had the time to do so many things since I've been ill.If I had ben healthy I wouldnt have discovered so many things because I never had that spare time.

Up until 2003 I had avoided buying a computer.Out of necessity I bought one.What a blessing that was. I found support groups of all kinds.I reached out to help others while I was at it.I found information.I bought self help books.I learnt things and so on it goes.   I love writing and typing.I'm always writing documents.Maybe someday I'll write a book on something.Better figure out what I'm passionate about.


So,over to all of you....,what have you discovered since you've been ill? Please share your thoughts so we can inspire others. My blessings to all of you.Thank you for you wonderful support.


Re: Since I've been Ill........

This is such a good topic @Denv12, it sounds like you've become incredibly resilient and you should be proud as that is a great skill to have. It sounds like you're really driven to self-education. Outside of self-help, what other topics have you found a passion for?

Re: Since I've been Ill........

@Denv12  Hi Denv12 and @Ali11  and all who pass by this thread. I have learned how tough and yet vulnerable I am if that makes sense. I am tough in the way that I can get up every morning and give life a go but vulnerable that I can still feel other people's pain, and hopefully give kindness to those in need.


Get this my mi has also taught me to love my abusers. Instead of  hating them back I am using love as a way of showing them they have me all wrong whether they take up the love is up to them I know that in a spiritual level showing love to those who cause you harm is more beneficial to one's on growth than to show hate. greenpea

Re: Since I've been Ill........

Hi @Ali11 .Thank you for your support.

I'm amazed at where my strength comes from.

I keep looking for topics to post.You never know when its going to help someone get through their day better.

I grew up in my parents business.When you're a child and you live business every moment whilst other parents go to work,it had a great impact on my life. I grew up around adults before I found friends my age.Another lifestyle that can have a good effect on your life too.

Shyness. I think my parents made sure I never became shy.I keep thinking of why we were always around people so often.I think they were teaching me how to make friends without thinking about it.I'd like to inspire people to do that. Here in my 50s now I wish I'd been a parent so I could teach those skills.

One passion I have is for writing.I dont have a problem expressing my feelings.I play piano so I try to combine music with feelings to write a great song.


Re: Since I've been Ill........

Writing and playing the piano are beautiful forms of expression @Denv12 Heart


Do you share your creativity anywhere online, or just use it as your own creative outlet at the moment?

Re: Since I've been Ill........

Hello @Denv12 , how is everything going today Heart

Re: Since I've been Ill........

Hi @Shaz51 .

I'm going real well here.Just bored most of the times.Trying to keep busy. Hope you're okay too.

Re: Since I've been Ill........

have you had a look around the forum @Denv12 

lots of wonderful members here

@greenpea, @frog , @outlander 

Re: Since I've been Ill........

@Shaz51 @Denv12  Hi Shaz51 and Denv12. Denv12 has given me the heads up on a song called Bless Myself which I am listening to right now 😄

Re: Since I've been Ill........

ohh that is great @greenpea 

Smiley Very Happy @Denv12