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Re: Recipes & Snacks

That's funny @Shaz51Smiley LOL

@Shaz51 wrote:

Have you ever tried avo/vegemite on toast? --- ha ha I said that to mr shaz @Ali11  and he sid yukkkkkk Smiley LOL


Re: Recipes & Snacks

That sounds delicious too @Adge, love eating warm veggies on a winter's night! 

Re: Recipes & Snacks

Well Avocado is delicious on toast...

Vegemite or Marmite is nice on toast...

So maybe the combination would be tasty (I've never tried it) @Ali11 @Shaz51

Even though Mr Shaz thinks it might be yukky...


Re: Recipes & Snacks

ha ha @Adge  @Ali11 Smiley LOL

i think it is nice @Adge Smiley Very Happy

and banana and honey on toast is yummmm

Mr shaz does not like bananas

Re: Recipes & Snacks

Bananas & tomatoes I eat every day @Shaz51 Yes tomatoes are a fruit.

They're the only fruits that I eat regularly - so I would be lost without them.

I eat lots & lots of vegies (for meals), & I add tomatoes to or with every meal.

It's funny because for decades I ate an apple every day - then I went right off apples...


Re: Recipes & Snacks

Maybe it's our mission to try good old avo and vegemite on toast and then report back @Adge @Shaz51!! Smiley LOL 

Re: Recipes & Snacks

Healthy balls 


rolled oats

2tb peanut butter 


coconut desiccated 

almonds chopped 

small amount of almond milk

Whatever seeds you have 


I just made this recipe up. Use however much more quantity you want. 


mix together and roll into balls. Refrigerate. 



Re: Recipes & Snacks

Hello @Meowmy 

tuna bake

need to cook 2 cups of small pasta

drain a 420 g can of tuna

and add to the cooked pasta

and put in a bottle of tuna bake, mixed it together

put in oven for 20 minutes

and put some grated cheese on the top and brown it in the oven xx


Re: Recipes & Snacks

@Shaz51 That’s good stuff,thanks

Re: Recipes & Snacks

Hi @eth...i have a recipe idea. Tried it out a few nights ago and it was a winner. @Shaz51 this is the fried rice id put in my coping box. So... the ingredients are. One saucepan of long grain boiled rice cooked then cooled, overnight if possible. Two to three tblsp butter and two tblsps of minced garlic in a large deep fry pan. Add about ten middle rashers of bacon diced and four carrots diced to the butter and garlic and cook for five or so mins. Add three tblsp of oyster sauce, three teaspoons of sesame oil and two or so tblsp of soy sauce. Then add the cold rice. Next add a bunch of spring onions chopped and a drained can of baby corn chopped and about a cup or so of frozen peas. Keep stirring till all hot and cooked then add some scrammbled egg that is previously cooked. So yummy. Add some pepper at some point if desired. 😊