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Re: Self care- walking and cycling



Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Managed another workout on the trainer this afternoon.

On a roll and feeling good about it. 

This week will be a challenge to fit the workouts in with everything we have on. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Made the trailer for today's scheduled workout.

Almost quit half way through but we made it. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Managed again this week to meet all scheduled workout targets despite some challenges with competing tasks and commitments.  

Some days are harder (and slower)  than others but we are keeping at it. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Managed to keep up with the training program again this.week.



Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Achieved and average speed over set distance goal today on the cycle trainer. 

Feeli.g.good about it and encouraged in seeing some fruit for hard work invested. 

Set training program is upping the ante this coming week. Will be interesting to see how I manage that 😁


Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Cycling has continued to go well. We have now transitioned to some.road rides from trainer only.

Currently doing 4x workouts per week but now, weather permitting, doing 1 or 2 of those on the road rather than trainer. 


Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Just looking back at page 1.

When I started this thread my goal was 30min to 1 hr 5 days per week..

Well after plenty of false starts darling and I are currently consistently doing 1hr+ 4 days per week. Doing  it together is the key. 


Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Managed a distance pb on the bike on the weekend. More than double what I have been doing and almost double my previous pb (from.about 5 years ago... 

A group ride turned into me riding by myself because I am too fat and slow lol but at least I know I can do it now.  Could not have managed that 6 weeks ago so happy with my progress.  


There is a charity ride in December that we want to do together. 

Hoping to be do that with some more pace by then so I am not last over the line..


Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Cycling continues to go well.

I am actually looking forward to group rides out on the road now rather than doing it just for the health benefits. Getting some bonus social benefits now. 

On track for a tripple digit km ride by the end of June in preparation for a grand fondo charity ride towards the end of the year.