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Re: Recipes & Snacks

@MDT @BlueBay @outlander @greenpea @Gazza75 @TAB  


cut upalic in small portions, fried in saucepan, add spring onion and sliced ginger, hen smell good add sliced steamed eggplant, add salt and brown sugar, stir until eggplant soft in the core. Serve on plate, real nice.

Re: Recipes & Snacks

Strawberry tarts 


1pkt vanilla instant pudding 

1 bottle  cream 

whisk the cream and vanilla inst pudding 

pour into pastry shells 

top with strawberries 

yum 😋 

Re: Recipes & Snacks

Today's light and fluffy oatmeal cookies


Okay - I don't follow recipes and I will mostly likely never make the cookies I made today again but this is what I did


Whip up an egg


Add some sugar and beat in


I was lucky I took the butter out of the fridge before I started cooking - add some and chop it  and whip that in too


Then add mixed peal - rolled oats - white choc chips


Add flour and bake at 200C for about 15 minutes or until they look right


Good luck everyone - I bet yours turn out different to mine but that's all the fun part




Re: Recipes & Snacks

@greenpea hey beautiful pea, are you online

Re: Recipes & Snacks

@Meowmy  Hey I didnt expect you online so late/early :D. How are you going?

Re: Recipes & Snacks

@greenpea I get like that. A series of long sleep, then one night can't sleep

Re: Recipes & Snacks

@Meowmy  yes me too. Are you looking forward to your hike today with your friend? 🙂

Re: Recipes & Snacks

@greenpea think weather will be good,so would be nice

Re: Recipes & Snacks

@Meowmy  is meant to be beautiful today. Let me look out my window. I cannot see any stars here atm but it does get foggy with the cold here so that is not surprising 🙂

Re: Recipes & Snacks

@greenpea Some country air may help with my depression,anxiety