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Re: Caring4Corny

Thank you @Faith-and-Hope and @Former-Member. I am certain that my Otter's tummy will be a cosy and comfortable water bed for my travels home tomorrow. But as you say, it is only expected that there will be a few ups and downs, maybe a temporary snag in the reeds, or some empty plastic bottles thrown at us from one of those Healthy Humans in their motorised vehicles.


Not to worry, I am prepared for the high seas and may even catch a wave or two if I am lucky. Possibly she will take a wrong turn somewhere in one of the canals, or the Healthy Humans may have barricaded my off ramp with a steel gate. In that case we will tear-down into the bowels of Sydney and ejects full speed off the biggest and fastest and wettest slippery dip at Wet 'n' Wild waving our little flag as we go. 


I plan to fulfill every food fantasy I have had in the last 3 months in the first 72 hours. Before I came in I was working on my falafel recipe and it wasn't quite right, it needs work, patience and perseverance. Santa gave me some Ottolenghi recipe books for Christmas that need a work out on my taste buds, but I am sad to say I think my curry plant died while I was incarcerated.....maybe Sant will deliver another one. Being unwell and away with the drought on, the plants never really stood a chance.


Thanks for all your kind thoughts and best wishes for my recovery. The nurses have told me not to over schedule myself and to speak up and say no if I can't catch up with people in the first couple of weeks. I will try and take it one day at a time and keep my medical appointments as usual. I am worried about my PTSD hyper-vigilance, flashbacks and anxiety but all I can do for that is create a life that is sustainable, which takes time and is slow, because there is not cure for it, its all been burnt into my cells good and proper me thinks. It feels like a life sentence, but I am hoping to carve out a peaceful little life for myself some how.


My sib announced this week she is going to get a puppy mid-next year and I will be an aunt again, so we are all beside ourselves with excitement over his/her arrival.


Corny Heart

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Re: Caring4Corny


There is a recipe for falafel lettuce cups with yoghurt dressing in the latest Woolies magazine that I have been thinking about trying. Not as exotic sounding as your Ottolenghi recipe books, but the falafel is made from scratch (although I was thinking of cheating and getting some already made).


Furbaby dates = yes please 😀

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

Hi @Corny 

Thinking of you as you settle back into home. 

Barn & Cornfield by Francesa MillerBarn & Cornfield by Francesa Miller


Re: Caring4Corny


Re: Caring4Corny



Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny how are you finding the transition back home?

Re: Caring4Corny

Thank you @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Former-Member @Maggie @outlander @Faith-and-Hope 


Transitioning from the clinic to home has been tough and slow.

I was able to put my mother/family stress & distress to the back of my mind and just focus on myself, but being home it is front and centre which is very triggering. It will be hard going in therapy over the next few months, but it is unavoidable, and I have to face it somehow or my depression will get worse and worse.


I love my sibs cubs but I think they gave me a virus from the playground so I have been very weak and lethargic and haven't ventured out much, but I am building up gradually. I have had two friends pop in and some that live out of the city call me for a long chat on the Milo tins so that has been lovely, and seen my doctor 3 times and my GP. But other than that it is one day at a time and I am trying to find a routine that isn't too triggering, and hopefully create a little life for myself that is sustainable with my limitations. Hard to accept some days, but I will get there.


I wish you all the cuddliest Otter plank one could ever receive.


Corny Heart

Re: Caring4Corny

hugs my @ @Corny Heart

@Former-Member, @Maggie , @outlander , @Faith-and-Hope 

Re: Caring4Corny

Love the Milo tins @Corny .... 👍🌽💕

Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny 🌈🌈🌈