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not secure?

@Former-Member @s-jay


hello to you both


when im on the forums, one of my threads keep saying its 'not secure'  its only the rough time thread, the rest have all got the paddlock symbol on it. 

do you know whats going on? i wont be using that thread until its sorted... 



@Snowiei know you just posted there, is yours coming up that its secure? 


Re: not secure?

@outlanderit is coming up fine for me hun 

Re: not secure?

its weird! its only that thread, all other threads are saying secure... @Snowie

Re: not secure?

Hi @outlander@s-jay, @Former-Member. Not sure if this relates to the issue, but a while back the same thing was happening with all email notifications. The site was showing up in the address bar as 'secure' with the padlock icon when members came to the site by typing in the SANE address. But when going to any posts from email notifications, the site was showing as 'not secure'. Turned out it was something to do with links in notifications being in the http:// format, rather than the https:// format.

Edit: for some reason, when I received an email notification about this post, it translated the http mentioned above, into https. Looked like I had said something quite meaningless! I'm guessing that was a automated security edit before email notifications were sent. Hope this makes sense. If not, make sure you read the message on the site itself, rather than in email notifications. Smiley Wink

Not applicable

Re: not secure?

Hey all! @outlander - to help us look into this we need you to let us know how you are getting into the rough time thread?

As in, do you go to it through a notification link, are you going to it from latest posts link or travelling through the topic areas to find it directly for instance - you know what I mean?

Let us know either here or via email - whatever you prefer 👩🏼‍💻

Re: not secure?

hi @Former-Member

im just on the site itself, when someone tagged me to that thread it was coming up not secure and also when i chose to click on it myself say to write my own post.

it is only that thread, all others are fine. i tried clearing all browser history, cookies and everything but its still doing the same thing.
Not applicable

Re: not secure?

So strange! Thanks for that info @outlander - let us have a look and we will get back to you when we know more!

Re: not secure?

thanks @Former-Member it really is strange, i created a new thread becasue im not sure whats going on there

Re: not secure?

Hi @outlander - I followed the link from the forum to that thread and could recreate the issue you described. We'll investigate and get back to you. cheers

Re: not secure?

Thanks @s-jay